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A rendelés folytatásához kérjük jelentkezzen be, hogy láthassa az árait.

Plates and bars

Plates and bars

Gyors és egyszerű elkészíteni egy kész fröccsöntő szerszámházat a Meusburger lapokkal

Állítson össze gyorsan és egyszerűen egy teljes fröccsöntő szerszámházat a fúrt és fúratlan lapjainkkal.

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Plates and bars

Variety meets availability

Benefit from our wide range of universally usable standard, precision and round bars.

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Machining Plates and bars Workshop equipment

Clamping of workpieces with H 1080 clamping supports

Work pieces can be clamped in various ways. Our H 1080 clamping supports are a good option for clamping NF inserts as well as small and medium workpieces.

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Machining Mould bases Plates and bars

We heat treat properly for your success

Not all stress-relieving heat treatment is the same – because only a proper heat treatment process ensures the desired result in the end. That is why Meusburger has been using its own furnaces for almost 30 years.

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Machining Mould bases Plates and bars

Material grades

Here you will find an overview of all material grades included in our standard range: from hot work steel and case-hardening steel to powder metallurgical steel and carbide.

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Mould bases Plates and bars

Cavity plates with lever slots and alignment edge

Through an ingenious system of lever slots, the plates can be quickly removed from the mould base without visible trace.

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Mould bases Plates and bars


These plates, machined on all sides and heat-treated for stress relief, are suitable for all applications in mould and die making as well as for manufacturing gauges and jigs.

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Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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