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Die casting components for die and mould making

24.10.2017, Costruzione stampi

Die casting moulds have to meet highest demands. In order to meet these requirements, Meusburger offers a specially selected range of high-precision standard components and a matching range of products for the workshop.

Meusburger is expanding its range of standard components especially for die casting moulds. The selected products for meeting the high requirements in die casting are presented in the new clearly arranged brochure 'Die Casting Components for Die and Mould Making'. They are summarised on 32 pages in a compact and informative manner.

High-grade steel, heat-treated for stress relief

One of the highlights in the Meusburger range are the high-precision mould bases made from high-grade steel, heat treated for stress relief up to a size of 996 x 1196 mm. The focus is on moulding plates from hot-work steel 1.2343 which are also available in ESR quality. In addition, the expert in standard components offers individual machining according to customer request. The product range also includes hardened NE-Blocks for eroding from 1.2343 ESR. Due to their high stress crack resistance they are ideal for mould cores in die casting moulds.

High-quality components

The new brochure also presents selected components coordinated to the dimensions of the plates and bars. This includes for example the E 24760 Month stamp, markable with fixed year marking and individual month marking. The brochure also contains high-temperature limit switches which are usable up to 240°C. Special temperature regulation solutions provide more safety and optimal sealing at high temperatures.

Matching products for the workshop

In addition to accessories, Meusburger also offers special consumables. Through their high temperature resistance and compressive strength they offer the ideal conditions for use in die casting moulds. The VCP 1000 Copper paste is for example suitable for the high temperatures in aluminium die casting applications and provides for excellent lubricating and separating effects.

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Nel caso abbiate bisogno di ulteriori informazioni o se avete domande da porci, vi preghiamo di contattarci per email.

Susanne Zukowski
Comunicazione / Pubbliche relazioni

+43 5574 6706-1736



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